This course will give you something you have never had before.

Welcome to a different kind of course!

This is not the normal kind of "learning course."

In fact, this course is more about inspiring you to ensure you can give your children something that money or time can't buy.

Giving your children YOUR memories of them, capture in real time opens up a whole new definition of 'leaving a legacy'.

  • We cover the things your children will want to know from you before you die.
  • We speak about how you can pre-write letters for their important future events.
  • We then cover how valuable it would be to record the answers to questions about your child on their birthdays so that they could see themselves through your eyes as they grow up, and also how you can remind yourself of how you saw them when they were younger.
  • We then go on to look at how you can also record your parenting memories. And this could be so your child could also understand more about you as they grew older, and of course, to remind yourself what it was like to be a younger parent.
  • This is something you can take on and explore with your siblings, your friends and anyone whom you would like to connect with.
  • And last but not least... we provide you with a simple solution to remembering WHEN and HOW to record your conscious memories.

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