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Watch and learn firsthand with me as I develop this 19 000sq meter site in Cape Town:
This is where it all started
I bought the land 17 years ago. This is the story of the 4 unsuccessful development interests. (66:32)
The Project proposal, and getting going
The first formal meeting brining us all up to speed and outlining the timeline process (71:56)
Inception - getting clear on what we are doing and agreement on the process
Meeting with client to finalise terms of reference , milestones and time frames and departures required. Signing power of attorney and forms.
Going over Appointment letter, trust resolutions, professional fee composition, (43:11)
Contextual Analysis - getting all the relevant info together so we can begin making informed decisions
Video of the property as is pre-development (7:02)
Dec- 2021: Update on first council meeting and first major tenant send in request to rent space from me (68:38)
Jan- 2022: Update on new letters of interest and my thinking of how I wish to develop this further (29:38)
Feb 2022 Architect proposes 4 options for the mixed use and Heritage Feedback (93:19)
Policy and Legislative desktop assessment including heritage and environmental scan
Assessment of surrounding transport context
Assessment of zoning surrounding zoning and land use
Obtaining title deeds
Obtaining Conveyancers certificate (per erf)
Surveyor General diagrams scan for servitudes.
Locality Plans
Incorporation of comments from Traffic Impact Assessment
Possible additional meeting with Transport engineers from CoCT.
Landscape Plan
Submission of NID to HWC for site larger than 5000m2 for erven311 and 345 including meeting with heritage person from CoCt
Services report from Civil engineer-includes water supply sewer, electricity and stormwater
Geotech : Phase 1 geotechnical report including trial holes
Land surveyor to provide consolidation diagram
Site Development Plan
Motivation Report - making sure we can back up our proposal so the municipality agrees with us
Writing of motivation report incorporating information from contextual analysis .In addition, the removal of any restrictive title conditions in terms of the DMS if applicable. (It may have to be removed through a court process. Conveyancer to advise)
Possible pre submission meeting with neighbours.
Submit drafts to client
Approval to proceed with submission.
Submission of application - advertising, notices and getting feedback
Submission of applications at planning office
Attending to additional requirements
Advising on advertising
Production, printing, laminating of on site notices
Placement of notices on site and forms/evidence submission to local authority
Responding to comments received from stakeholders including Local authority
Possible adjustments to report and resubmission
Attendance at MPT (if required)including prep and admin
Close out
Land Surveyor to submit General Plan to Surveyor General
Conveyancer to register consolidated site with the Deeds Office
Dealing with Appeals and those unhappy with our proposal
Either Submit Appeal on behalf of client
or Respond to appeals against application
Attend on appeal committee hearing
Teach online with
Attendance at MPT (if required)including prep and admin
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