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The top 20 questions and answers to become a better parent
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The best strategy to do this course in the least amount of time. (2:11)
How to get your kids to Cooperate, even when they don't want to.
Is time-out for kids still a good thing to use? (5:33)
“I tell my son there are NO monsters under the bed” – but he doesn’t believe me (4:05)
What cooperation skills work best on toddlers? (8:39)
My daughter keeps asking to sleep in our bed. What should I do? (3:31)
How can I handle my toddlers roller coaster emotions? (2:42)
How do I help my child improve her writing without losing my temper?
How do you apply the skills when they have already hit someone? (4:58)
Top 10 alternatives to saying "No!", "Don't!" or "Stop!" but without giving in.
How to stop the nagging after I have put the boundary in place. (16:03)
Any ideas on what I can do to stop yelling at my child? (2:40)
What is the proper way to speak to a stubborn teenager? (23:51)
What do I do if my child says "Well mom.... that's your problem, not mine." (2:35)
I don’t have time to think of alternatives. What do I say right NOW! (4:22)
Throwing a tantrum as a release of emotions. Is this good?
How can I teach my child not to hit others?
How to avoid raising a BRAT who is unlikeable and wont listen.
How do we stop losing control when our boys whine? (4:47)
I didn't like how my parents spoke to me! But I see I speak to my kids the same.
Parenting with Emotional Intelligence- learn what succesful parents know and do
What can I do about the negatvie influence of other adults on my child?
General Questions: Supporting school 'Separation Anxiety' and everything else.
Separation anxiety when going to school. Please help!!!! (16:35)
Getting to school on time even though my 3 years old said "No I won't do that!"
How can I stop shouting at my child and reacting in anger? (7:22)
How to help my child when he is bullied at school (4:44)
How can I get my child to do extra homework? (3:17)
How to talk to my teenager about the things they do that I don’t like? (3:02)
How to get your kids to be polite and say "PLEASE"
We ask our children to be polite, but then aren’t polite ourselves
How to change your child's behaviour with newly invented start chart models
How long do you keep a chart going? (3:32)
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More information on courses (0:37)
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How do you apply the skills when they have already hit someone?
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